Imagine the taste of black tea born in Northern Europe. Or just try this tea – slow fermented fireweed leaves, hand-picked from wild meadows and forests of Northern Europe. You imagined right, didn’t you?

Use it as a healthy and refreshing alternative to black tea. Wild fireweed is naturally rich in minerals and its taste characteristics are similar to traditional black tea – bittersweet taste, boosts energy and improves metabolism. Nordic Black tea is 100% theine-free.

Organic EU certificate Nr.04-520/19

Weight 0.16 g
Dimensions 12 × 9 × 9 cm
Type of Tea

Tisane / Herbal Tea


25 x 1.6g

Tea Preparation

Use 1 tea bag/cup or small teapot. Pour simmering water (95°C) over the tea bag and infuse for 5 minutes. Remove tea bag and serve.